coworking space daily cleaning servicesWe at Mumbai Coworking offer you a fully furnished office space assuring you the thing that is most important Cleanliness.

We believe in:

Neat and clean is the perfect scene.

A successful entrepreneur or businessman is one who doesn’t let even the tiniest of details affect his business. They make sure that everything that can impact the overall image of their business is taken care of. So when we talk about image building, where do we start? The place from where you conduct business, meaning your furnished office space. For you to have a positive image among your peers and clientele, first impressions are important. And a good first impression always comes from the way you present your office space. Obviously no one would be impressed by a shoddy, unkempt area. For a good impression, it is important that your office is clean, hygienic and in good condition.

Did you know?
Working in a clean space can boost your mood by twice the amount.

This is how we do it!

We offer daily cleaning services to make sure you never walk in to see your desk unclean. Every morning, our office boys clean up your desk to get rid of any wrappers, dust etc. While we do offer daily cleaning services, we advise you not to leave any used plates with leftover food on your desks. This could make the area smell and the only solution we can offer then is air freshener 😉

If you want a confirmation on our assurance, feel free to drop by anytime. Give us a call on +91 922 222 13191 or visit to book a tour of the place.